An intrepid traveler, Bert and his family frequent his birthplace in Portugal which poses no language barrier for him. He enjoys cooking & cycling. He participates in various charity bike rides every year, with the longest being a 100-mile bike ride to support MS (City to Shore Ride). While he enjoys cooking, he is not “Top Chef” ready just yet – that said, his father-in-law was quoted as saying “Nobody makes steak as good as Bert”.
Bert has extensive experience in a wide range of building projects, including: residential, commercial, institutional, and rehabilitation projects. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil and Architectural Engineering from Drexel University. The types of projects that Bert has managed and designed include: mid-rise & high-rise residential buildings, retail centers, office buildings, university structures, custom homes, production single family homes, & townhomes.
You build a bridge, and the bridge falls down... you don't get partial credit!