M+K Announces Higharc Strategic Partnership

All of us at M+K are thrilled to be part of Higharc’s latest investment round to fund continued development of their innovative cloud platform for homebuilding operations that delivers much needed integration and automation, from plan concept to purchasing to sales, using generative AI based workflows.

Innovation and process improvement are integral to our DNA. With that in mind, we’re quite excited about how this partnership promises to support M+K’s vision to streamline plan development and management.

Like all our valued relationships and strategic partnerships, we’re looking forward to the opportunity to offer insight and perspective to the Higharc team.

Want more info? Check out the article in Forbes and Higharc’s press release below:
Forbes Article
Higharc’s Press Release

Catching Up with Our Boston Office

Since opening the doors of our newest branch office over a year ago, we’ve made great strides in our goal to bring our unique brand of structural engineering to the New England Region from the heart of Boston.

Beginning with an award-winning direct mail campaign and some good old-fashioned phone calls and handshakes, client relationships began to emerge. Single family home projects quickly expanded to regions outside Boston and into neighboring states. Transforming customers into raving fans has always been at the heart of our mission at M+K, so we’re proud to have found repeat work with nearly all clients we worked with in 2023.

Going forward through 2024, our main objective of continued growth will be furthered with the addition of two employees to the office this summer. The new team members will provide the resources needed to help take on a greater quantity and variety of projects while building on the “work hard, play harder” culture that has made all of our offices such great places to work. With their sights set on all six New England states, we are very eager to see what’s next for the Boston office!